JABB Jeopardy Rules and Hints

1.  Jenni will post the initial question.  Anyone can then pipe in with the answer.  Once Jenni has verified the correct answer, that person can choose the next category and amount.

2.  In the event two people answer correctly, the "winner" of the question will be whomever sent it earliest based on the times reported on the YahooGroup.  In a true tie, Jenni will choose the next category.

3.  People have 24 hours to respond and choose a category.  If, after 24 hours, they do not then Jenni will choose in their place.

4.  If a person has an answer and thinks it is likely correct but is going to be offline for a period of time then they can submit their answer and add a clause along the lines of "If this is correct, please choose for me.  I'll be out all day."

5.  All questions are based off public information about John Dye, TBAA or any other project in his filmography, and JABB's own material unless otherwise specified at the start of the round (i.e. when we did the Charles Rocket categories near his birthday.)

6.  Players can feel free to use whatever resources they need to answer questions.  Portions of the JABB site that may prove especially useful are the JABB Encyclopedia, Photo Gallery, and the TBAA Episode Guide.

7.  Jeopardy is strictly for fun and no prizes are awarded.


JABB Jeopardy

(Photo Credits: The image on this page is owned by New World Television and Braun Entertainment Group.  It is not being used to seek profit.)