Contest 25: Episode Quatrains


Decipher these little quatrains and tell which episode they are about:
Shakespeare told the tale very well.
But Martha had another version to tell.
Star-crossed lovers dance and swoon.
Disco Andrew supplied many a tune.

From maturity, wisdom, and empathy one man is quite far
So his father sends him on a journey with only a guitar.
The journey will forever change the man called Kevin.
But by the end of the show he'll think he's in heaven.

David was never a very good brother.
In fact, he's the type you might want to smother.
Andrew sure never thought much of the clod.
After all, he claimed to be Andrew's boss, God.

How wrong can you go with a show about a candy town?
After all it was celebrated when performed by that Wilder clown.
But when TBAA tried it was hard for even a lover,
To not want to run and duck and cover.

Andrew was set to work for his hated night in a bar.
But a visitor has traveled from his lair, very far.
He's the Fallen, not just some kid or some ordinary man
He's a creature most scary but not the Cowardly or Aslan!

Five women leave work and set out for a night on the town.
Little they know that two are angels, lately from Heaven come down.
Andrew he's once again hanging out in a bar.
And Monica's the latest karaoke star!


1. Last Dance

2. Inherit the Wind

3. Into the Fire

4. Then Sings My Soul

5. The Invitation

6. Manhunt


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