Contest 19: Fill in the Blanks for Season 2

Contest 19: Fill in the Blanks for Season 2


Find the answers for these 10 questions, all from season 2.


1. The group with whom the angels worked in "The One that Got Away" studied _______.


2.  Tess' temporary occupation in "Til We Meet Again" was _______.


3.  Andrew's "dance partner" in "Rock n Roll Dad" was ______.


4.  Hal Linden's character owned Club _______.


5.  Tess' epithet in the episode with Linden was "The _______.


6.  Andrew declares his love for _______ in "Lost and Found".


7.  The inscription on Max's shoes in John Dye's first episode as a series regular was ______.


8.  Andrew's temporary occupation in "Portrait of Mrs. Campbell" was _______.


9.  The play in which Andrew takes part in "The Quality of Mercy" is Shakespeare's ______.


10.  The name of the talk show in "Statute of Limitations" was ________.



1. law

2. interior decorator

3. his umbrella

4. Indigo

5. Countess

6. computers

7. "Lieber Gott"/"Dear God"

8. donor counselor

9. Henry V

10. The Morgan Bell Show


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