Contest 15: Name that Newsletter



1. Find an issue during which either Jenni or Audrey go to school (on Earth, not Dye School).

2. Find any issue mentioning any show other than TBAA. I mean a series here not like a TBAA movie.

3. Find issues mentioning 2 angels other than Monica, Tess, Henry, Adam, and of course Andrew. Then find fan pages for the actors who portrayed these 2 angels.

4. Find the entire first name of the man Jenni had a crush on last year. Just his first initial is not enough. If you know this off the top of your head then you don't need to find the corresponding issue in which his name is given.

5. Find an issue containing a story based on a famous story or movie.

6. Find an issue in which Chimama either has a role or is mentioned by name.

7. Find an issue containing Sara/Kiwi.

8. Find an issue that was supposedly not written by Jenni or Audrey. Or find an issue that actually wasn't written by Jenni or Audrey. Often Jenni or Audrey write a brief intro but that doesn't count. I mean an issue in which the bulk of the issue was not written by us.


1. JABB 24

2. JABB 6, 12, 60 and others

3. JABB 26, 58, 65

4. Victor, JABB 43

5. JABB 7, 11, 32, 38, 43, 58

6. Jabb 28, 39, 49, 55, 57, 58, 60, 64, 67

7. JABB 27, 28, 33, 43

8. JABB 31, 33, 44, 47 and more


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