Contest 11: Famous Pairs



The object this time was to name to famous couples described below. the names of both the man and woman were necessary to receive credit.



1. If Andrew had visited long ago he may have been knighted by this King and heard gossip about the relationship between the Queen and a favored knight.

2. This couple would have given Andrew good cause to be in Verona and it's surrounding areas.

3. This man has a first name similar to John's. His wife's first name serves as the title of a musical by the same man known for "Cats."

4. An apple got this couple into quite a bit of trouble.

5. This ill-fated couple was made famous by the same man behind #2's story's fame. Andrew would have had good cause to stay in Cyprus for the course of their entire marriage.

6. This Old Testament man was given special powers which enabled him to strangle a lion among other things. He was then betrayed by this woman who somehow took these powers away leaving him weaker. (Think Kiwi)

7. This is the *Greek* ruler of Olympia. Although not very much into the whole fidelity idea he was married to this goddess, his sister.

8. Also Greek this god fell in love with Demeter's daughter. The two live together for 1/3 of the year.

9. In 1998 movie viewers first watched tearfully as this couple fell in love and were then separated only days later. Meanwhile, Jenni was staring at the ship's architect. (Characters names, not actors)

10. This couple was one of the many Andrew has helped. This famed episode had a scene beginning with Andrew reading a note and then moved into what may be some of Andrew's best known words.

11. This couple were married for a time both on screen and off. They had a popular show in the 1950s. The woman was the title character of the show.

12. This couple were both French physicists that studied radioactivity for which they won the Noble Prize.

13. According to JABB both Andrew and John would know this couple. They have 3 daughters and 3 sons.

14. This couple has had several names as their tale as old as time has evolved through the centuries. No matter if they lived in ancient Rome, France, or in New York City their love transcended physical appearance and *rose* to fight villains ranging from an angry mother/mother in law in Roman myth, a pompous, over confident Frenchman, or hundreds of American murderers, sociopaths, and trouble makers. (Just their general names or one of the versions' specific character names are fine.)



1. King Arthur and Queen Guenevere

2. Romeo and Juliet

3. Juan and Eva (Evita) Peron

4. Adam and Eve

5. Othello and Desdemona

6. Samson and Delilah

7. Zeus and Hera

8. Hades and Persephone

9. Jack Dawson & Rose De Witt Bukater

10. Horace and Zelda Wittenburg

11. Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

12. Pierre and Marie Curie (nee Sklodowska)

13. Chiwawa and Chimama Jabbins (nee Drooler)

14. Beauty and the Beast (Cupid and Psyche, Vincent (Wells) and Catherine (Chandler), Belle and the Beast, and other variations also accepted.)

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