Contest 10: Dyeland Search



Start at the Dyeland Map which you'll find at:
Answer the following questions by giving the town or place where you can find/do the following things. (The questions marked with a T means the name of a town will work, P means an actual house, building, etc.) Pick the most obvious answer. For instance, if I ask "Where would you go to borrow a book?" You could answer that you'd stop by Andrew's house and see if he had a copy but the more obvious answer would be the Everknow Library. Okay, here we go....

1. Where would you go to pick apples? P

2. Where would you go to study Dyeland's history? P

3. What's the only place Dyelanders are forbidden to enter? T

4. Where would you find Lapis Lazuli? T

5. Where would you go to take a class on The Art of Concern? P

6. Where would you go to play games like Ski Ball? T

7. Where would you go to see where the Jabbins got married? P

8. Where would you go to see where it was Jenni met Clara? P

9. Where would you go for a quiet retreat? T

10. Where would you go to get advice from unicorns? T
11. Where's Ariel's Palace? T

12. Where would you go to see a dramatic reenactment of the Prayer on the Stairs? P




1. Quartz Castle

2. City Hall's basement

3. Forbidden forest

4. Lisa's Lovely Land

5. Androoler University

6. Laughingly

7. Dyeland Chapel Grove

8. Clara's Bridge

9. Glen of Goodness

10. Whispering Woodlands

11. Mystical Mountains

12. Roseate Theater


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